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Theories of Personality - 4th Edition

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Klappentext This is the best book on theories ever published. The fourth edition is theory-oriented and has been reorganized into four parts examing theories of psychodynamics! personality structure! growth and perceived reality! and learning. It also includes new chapters on Eysenck! Bandura! Kelly! and social learning theories. Zusammenfassung This is the best book on theories ever published. The fourth edition is theory--oriented and has been reorganized into four parts examing theories of psychodynamics! personality structure! growth and perceived reality! and learning. It also includes new chapters on Eysenck! Bandura! Kelly! and social learning theories. Inhaltsverzeichnis The Nature of Personality Theory. EMPHASIS ON PSYCHODYNAMICS. Sigmund Freuda s Classical Psychoanalytic Theory. Carl Junga s Analytic Theory. Social Psychological Theories: Adler! Fromm! Horney! and Sullivan. Erik Erikson and Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory. EMPHASIS ON PERSONALITY STRUCTURE. Henry Murraya s Personology. Gordon Allport and the Individual. Raymond Cattella s Factor--Analytic Trait Theory. Hans Eysencka s Biological Trait Theory. EMPHASIS ON PERCEIVED REALITY. George Kellya s Personal Construct Theory. Carl Rogersa s Person--Centered Theory. EMPHASIS ON LEARNING. B. F. Skinnera s Operant Conditioning. Dollard and Millera s Stimulus--Response Theory. Albert Bandura and Social Learning Theories. PERSPECTIVES AND CONCLUSIONS. Personality Theory in Perspective. References. Photo Credits. Indexes.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Dave Campbell, John B. Campbell, John B. (Franklin & Marshall College Campbell, Et Al, Calvin S. Hall, Calvin S. (University of California Hall, Calvin Springer Hall, James Ed Hall, James Ed. Hall, Gardner Lindzey, Gardner (Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Lindzey
Editore Wiley, John and Sons Ltd
Lingue Inglese
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 01.02.1998
EAN 9780471303428
ISBN 978-0-471-30342-8
Pagine 768
Dimensioni 197 mm x 241 mm x 32 mm
Categoria Libri scolastici > Didattica > Formazione professionale

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