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The Most Important Scientific Discovery of All Time - McGrath's Hypothesis: And the Scientfic Revolution Going on Right Now

Inglese · Tascabile

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A basic claim of this book is that modern science has found us humans to be much less smart and rational than we have throughout our long history led ourselves to believe we are. Because of this important difference, we humans are much more likely than we think to cause our own nuclear extinction in the near future.

Although Ed McGrath has been a college graduate and interested in science most of his life, he majored in other subjects until he decided to become a psychology professor in his early forties. He returned to California State University in Los Angeles and achieved perfect grades in experimental psychology as an undergraduate and for his master's degree. He then successfully fulfilled the course requirements for a Ph.D. at the University of California. Discovering that human psychology was not based on much evidence, he also attended anthropology lectures on human evolution, hoping to find improvement potential for psychology.

However, one professor warned Ed that he and the five professors on Ed's Ph.D. research committee did not like Ed's reputation for questioning the lack of testable evidence in classes and seminars, and eventually dismissed him from the Ph.D. program. Although Ed was initially disappointed, he found time to inquire into other related modern scientific discoveries. He began to see new and more important relationships among some of these discoveries and his own beliefs. That set of related discoveries eventually became an important component of this book.

About the Author: Ed McGrath is a retired property tax expert, assessor and realtor. Originally from New York City, he now lives near Pasadena, California.

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Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Ed McGrath
Editore Strategic Book Publishing
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 06.11.2011
EAN 9781612044897
ISBN 978-1-61204-489-7
Pagine 146
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 8 mm
Peso 223 g
Categoria Guide e manuali > Libri sul benessere, vita quotidiana > Condotta di vita, auto-realizzazione

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