Fr. 19.10

Recognizing a Gift from God - The Diary of an Ordinary Woman's Extraordinary Experiences

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

This book is a heartfelt account of a lifetime of encounters and experiences revolving around coming to the realization that God and passed loved ones are always with us. My purpose in writing this diary is to help and educate people about the signs they get throughout their lifetime that they are not recognizing and about weird things that happen that they try to rationalize. It is normal to try to rationalize lights turning on or off, or items being moved in your home. It is my hope that you can take these experiences one step further and understand that you are not alone and that these signs are real. In other words, believe your sixth sense. May the white light of divine love and protection be with each and every one of you.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Beth Nevery
Editore Balboa Press
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 12.12.2011
EAN 9781452543376
ISBN 978-1-4525-4337-6
Pagine 52
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 3 mm
Peso 92 g
Categoria Guide e manuali > Spiritualità > Esoterismo

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