Fr. 106.80

International Law Commission's Articles On State Responsibility - POD TITLE

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

Informationen zum Autor Growing up in the heady days of space exploration, James Crawford avidly studied astronomy, planetary science, and space technology. Both a military brat and veteran he developed a love for action, adventure, and hard science fiction which merged into a fascination for the colonization of Mars and the stars beyond. Join him for exotic adventures on remote alien worlds where wonder and danger go hand in hand and individual courage determines triumph or victory. Klappentext In 2001 the International Law Commission completed its work on State responsibility! begun 40 years previously. The Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts marks a major step in the codification and progressive development of international law! comparable in significance to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The Articles cover such topics as attributing conduct to the State; defining when there has been a breach of international law and the excuses or justifications for breaches; reparation for injustices! the invocation of responsibility! especially standing of States in the public interest! and the rules relating to countermeasures. The Articles develop basic concepts of international law! in particular peremptory norms and obligations to the international community as a whole. They signal definitively how international law has moved away from a purely bilateral conception of responsibility to accommodate categories of general public interest (human rights! the environment etc.). Zusammenfassung The Articles mark a major step in international law! defining breaches of international law and the consequences of such breaches. Including a full introduction! the text of the Articles and commentary! plus guide to the legislative history! this will be an indispensable accompaniment to the ILC's work on this topic. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface; Note on sources and style; List of abbreviations; Table of cases; Introduction; Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts: Part I. The Internationally Wrongful Act of a State: 1. General principles; 2. Attribution of conduct to a state; 3. Breach of an international obligation; 4. Responsibility of a state in connection with the act of another state; 5. Circumstances precluding wrongfulness; Part II. Content of the International Responsibility of a State: 6. General principles; 7. Reparation for injury; 8. Serious breaches of obligations under peremptory norms of general international law; Part III. The Implementation of the International Responsibility of a State: 9. Invocation of the responsibility of a state; 10. Countermeasures; Part IV. General Provisions; Appendix 1: drafting history; Appendix 2: Draft articles on state responsibility provisionally adopted by the International Law Commission on first reading (1996); Appendix 3: table of equivalent articles; Select bibliography; Index....

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori James Crawford, Crawford James, United Nations
Editore Cambridge University Press Academic
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 31.12.2011
EAN 9780521013895
ISBN 978-0-521-01389-5
Dimensioni 150 mm x 228 mm x 24 mm
Categoria Scienze sociali, diritto, economia > Diritto > Diritto internazionale, diritto degli stranieri

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