Fr. 18.70

Undead Pharaohs Unwrapped - A Zombie Mummy Coloring Adventure

Inglese · Tascabile

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"Undead Pharaohs Unwrapped: A Zombie Mummy Coloring Adventure" takes you on an eerie and captivating journey deep into the heart of ancient Egypt. In this unique coloring book, you'll unravel the mysteries of the afterlife as you bring to life the undead pharaohs, priests, and nobles who have risen from their tombs in the form of zombie mummies. With 50 detailed illustrations, each page tells a story of curses, rituals, and the macabre resurrection of the long-dead rulers of Egypt. As you color these haunting scenes, you'll immerse yourself in a world where history and horror intersect, creating a chilling and mesmerizing experience that's perfect for those who love a touch of the supernatural with their coloring adventures.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Colorzen
Editore ColorZen
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 27.11.2023
EAN 9798869027054
ISBN 979-8-8690-2705-4
Pagine 106
Dimensioni 216 mm x 280 mm x 7 mm
Peso 290 g
Categoria Guide e manuali > Hobby, casa > Giochi, quiz

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