Fr. 33.50

E'ti H'bey'n E'ti Agaz'yen'n - The Monkey and the Deer - Tigrinya Children's Book

Tigrino · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

This story is a modified version of Aesop's classic fable. One day a thirsty Monkey was pulled into a spate. Too bad, the Monkey was not a strong swimmer. Luckily, a Deer, who was near the river, was able to rescue the Monkey. The next time, the Monkey was able to return the favor by saving
his savior from a vicious predator. The book teaches us if we do good, good will come to us. One good turn deserves another.

The story is told in Tigrinya language. The book adds bright colors and beautiful illustrations.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Editore Kiazpora
Lingue Tigrino
Raccomandazione d'eta' 3 a 12 anni
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 27.08.2021
EAN 9781946057754
ISBN 978-1-946057-75-4
Pagine 50
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 4 mm
Peso 124 g
Categoria Libri per bambini e per ragazzi > Prime letture, letture pre-scolari

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