Fr. 52.70

O cangrexo amable (Galician Edition of "The Caring Crab")

Galiziano · Copertina rigida

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Ulteriori informazioni

Colin the Crab, the most skillful builder on the eastern riverbank, never hesitates to help his friends. Now Colin is busy with his own new project-a garden pavilion for his home. But after a week of hard work, the pavilion of his dreams is still unfinished. Even worse, a boisterous fish family has taken over the construction site.
The exhausted Colin buries himself under a blanket and refuses to open his curtains. Puzzled, Colin's friends call an emergency meeting-it's time for them to take action!
O Cangrexo Colin era o albanel máis habilidoso da beira do lado leste do río e nunca dubidaba en axudar ós seus amigos. Logo dunha semana de duro traballo, a caseta que soñaba no xardín azul estaba aínda sen rematar e unha buliciosa familia de peixes apropiárase do lugar da súa obra.
Colin, exhausto, escóndese baixo a sábana e négase a abrir as cortinas. Os amigos de Colin están desconcertados e convocan unha reunión de emerxencia. É hora de que os amigos tomen medidas.

Info autore

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) is a Ph.D. in Law and an author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation published in 2015 examines the limits of the freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shift of the 1960s and 1970s. Before her doctoral research, Tuula Pere has had a career of over two decades as a lawyer and in various expert and executive positions in the industry.
Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over thirty children's storybooks which have been translated into Swedish, English, Russian, Estonian, French, Italian and Spanish, for example. She has also published poetry and aphorisms for children and short stories for adults.
Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and a mother of three.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Tuula Pere
Editore Wickwick Ltd
Lingue Galiziano
Formato Copertina rigida
Pubblicazione 31.01.2021
EAN 9789523254800
ISBN 978-952-325-480-0
Pagine 56
Dimensioni 208 mm x 260 mm x 9 mm
Peso 425 g
Serie Colin the Crab
Categoria Libri per bambini e per ragazzi

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