Fr. 42.60

Sweet Dreams, My Love (French English Bilingual Children's Book)

Francese · Tascabile

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French English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or French as their second language.
It's time for bed, but Alice doesn't want to go to sleep just yet. By going through her bedtime routine, Mom calms her daughter down by reminding her of all the wonderful things they did together that evening. Written in a soft and soothing manner, this book shows the warm and loving relationship between Alice and her mom, while preparing young readers for a good night's sleep.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Shelley Admont, Kidkiddos Books
Editore KidKiddos Books Ltd.
Lingue Francese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 18.07.2020
EAN 9781525931925
ISBN 978-1-5259-3192-5
Pagine 34
Dimensioni 216 mm x 216 mm x 3 mm
Peso 121 g
Serie French English Bilingual Colle
French English Bilingual Collection
Categorie Libri per bambini e per ragazzi > Prime letture, letture pre-scolari
Libri scolastici > Letture / interpretazioni / ausili per la lettura > Tedesco

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