
Cinderella (Level 1): Learn English Through Fairy Tales

Coreano · Tascabile


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Each fairy tale starts out in KOREAN then "morphs" into ENGLISH!Here's how it works... A Korean word in the fairy tale is circled with its English translation in the column. From that moment forward the English word (written in red) will be used throughout the rest of the story... and it will be used again and again in context! As the fairy tale progresses more and more English words are added then repeated throughout the story helping to reinforce understanding. By the end of the book the child has easily learned at least 20 new English words in context!Levels 2 and 3 each introduce 20 more words and include words learned in the previous levels. By the end of level 5 the fairy tale will be written almost entirely in English and it will be easy to understand EVERYTHING!

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori David Burke
Editore Slangman Pub
Lingue Coreano
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 01.01.2006
Dimensioni 216 mm x 280 mm x 3 mm
Peso 200 g
Categoria Libri scolastici > Libri scolastici per istituti a indirizzo generale

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