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Hindi · Tascabile

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It is a fact that to win a person's heart, one must serve him with delicious food and exotic drinks. Hence, preparing tasty, healthy and good food is a must for all women - whether a housewife or a working lady to win her man's heart. Well, men also these days are taking a keen interest in learning the art of cooking and some of the great chefs of the world are all men. As we know, India is a vast country with such a great diversity in food habits and preparations, and that it is almost impossible to include all the recipes and dishes in one book. However, this book contains about 150 salient and popular recipes from all over the country. The unique features of the book are besides dealing with the ingredients, methods of preparation of various mouth-watering recipes along with the time consumed in easy and simple language, it serves as an overall guide imparting an in-depth knowledge about the art of cooking, serving, decorating your dining table or ambience, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen, ventilation, etc. It also serves as a manual teaching you the right way of cooking and using mechanical gadgets, such as gas stoves, electric ovens, heaters, cookers, toasters, mixies, grinders, etc for efficient and faster cooking. All the recipes given in this book have been accompanied with attractive photographs and a tip off at the bottom of each giving some valuable information or knowledge about the particular recipe.
So, hurry up friends, and buy the book to give a vent to your cooking instincts and Learn The Art of Cooking, Serving and Entertaining your friends, family and guests.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Asha Rani Vohra
Editore V&S Publishers
Lingue Hindi
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 01.05.2012
EAN 9789381448830
ISBN 978-93-81448-83-0
Pagine 176
Dimensioni 203 mm x 254 mm x 10 mm
Peso 392 g
Categoria Guide e manuali > Mangiare e bere > Libri di cucina generici, tecniche e ricette di base

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