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My friend in Afterworld - Experiences in the other reality

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

This book is about the eternal friendship reaching out from Light to Light. It is about the unity of life, about the interrelated reality of the visible and and the invisible worlds. It is about the love which builds bridges between these worlds enabling the contact between friends - wherever they are.

Info autore

Arja Helkiö (1942 - 2013) was in her physical life a trance medium and -healer, who studied to be a natural therapist, because she wanted to know the truth about all the different treatments she was using in trance. Arja's loving personality and her devotion for healing helped and comforted hundreds of people in Finland and abroad.

Anna-Maija Usma worked with Arja over 20 years as a drawing medium in their combined mediumistic demonstrations. Now their partnership continues since Arja uses her hands for writing down her own experiences in the other reality, in Afterworld.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Anna-Maija Usma
Editore Books On Demand
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 01.01.2016
EAN 9789523305427
ISBN 978-952-330-542-7
Pagine 108
Dimensioni 120 mm x 190 mm x 6 mm
Peso 124 g
Illustrazioni 23 Farbabb.
Categorie Saggistica > Psicologia, esoterismo, spiritualità, antroposofia > Altro
Scienze umane, arte, musica > Scienze umane, tematiche generali

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