Fr. 104.40

Femtocell Primer (Japanese Edition)

Giapponese · Tascabile

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(Japanese edition translated by Makoto Noda). Femtocells may well change the shape and operation of mobile networks over the next few years. These compact devices (the size of a paperback book) provide all the functionality of a 3G mobile cellsite, delivering high quality voice and data services to the home and office. These products are forecast to be commercially available from over 20 networks before the end of 2010. As with mobile phones, they must be sold in conjunction with a mobile phone operator because they use licensed spectrum. Initially, they are likely to be subsidised as part of a package deal. This book explains the technology, describes the key vendors, suggests likely business models and provides insights into this exciting new development of mobile networks.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori David Chambers
Lingue Giapponese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 29.11.2010
EAN 9781446651230
ISBN 978-1-4466-5123-0
Pagine 236
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 14 mm
Peso 390 g
Categoria Scienze naturali, medicina, informatica, tecnica > Informatica, EDP > Tematiche generali, enciclopedie

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