Fr. 25.90

Farsi Contemporary Bible, Paperback, Green

Persiano · Tascabile

Spedizione di solito entro 6 a 7 settimane


Ulteriori informazioni

This is the holy Word of God, translated into Farsi and wrapped in a contemporary, green softcover. If you are in the advanced stages of learning Farsi, one who speaks it yourself, or a missionary to a region where Farsi is the primary language, this Bible is perfect for you.


A great Bible for those who are learning Farsi, who speak it already, or who are serving in a region where Farsi is the primary language.
The Farsi Contemporary Bible is a translation that employs a "thought-for-thought" translation philosophy to best facilitate ease of comprehension. Great for outreach or for those who are already familiar with the Bible.
Features include:

  • Full text of the Farsi Contemporary Bible translation
  • 2-column format
  • 9-point type size
  • Quality Bible paper

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Zondervan, Zondervan
Con la collaborazione di Biblica (Editore)
Editore Harper Collins (US)
Lingue Persiano
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 30.08.2016
EAN 9781563207198
ISBN 978-1-56320-719-8
Pagine 1264
Dimensioni 138 mm x 213 mm x 41 mm
Peso 702 g
Categorie Scienze umane, arte, musica > Religione / teologia > Scritti religiosi, preghiere, libri di canti, meditazioni religiose

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Evangelism, FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Persian, TOPICAL / Christian Interest, TOPICAL / Inspiration, BIBLES / Other Non-English Translations / Outreach, CULTURAL HERITAGE / Middle Eastern

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