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Build Your Own Cars: Sticker Book

Inglese · Tascabile

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Informationen zum Autor Before joining Usborne, Simon worked in Moscow as sports editor for a local paper. These days he writes about things that aren't actually real, but are very important nevertheless. Mysteries and monsters and impossible quests in faraway realms that you won't find on any map. All the sort of stuff he loved as a child, basically. (And still does.) Klappentext An absolute must-have activity book for every child who loves all things cars. Kids are sure to be entertained for hours as they embellish the supercars featured in the book with wheels, headlights, trim and other details which can all be found at the back of the book as stickers. Cars to complete include a rally car, a Le Mans car, a Pro Mod racer, an SUV and many more. In full-colour throughout. Ages: 4+ Zusammenfassung Each supercar in this colourful sticker book needs its wheels! headlights! trim and other details added. All are available as stickers at the back of the book so that children can complete a rally car! a Le Mans car! a Pro Mod racer! an SUV and many more.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori John Shirley, Tudhope Simon, Simon Tudhope
Con la collaborazione di John Shirley (Illustrazione)
Editore Usborne Publishing
Lingue Inglese
Raccomandazione d'eta' 4 a 6 anni
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 19.02.2013
EAN 9781409555384
ISBN 978-1-4095-5538-4
Pagine 34
Dimensioni 240 mm x 305 mm x 4 mm
Serie Build Your Own
Build Your Own Sticker Book
Categoria Libri per bambini e per ragazzi > Gioco, apprendimento > Creatività

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