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Designing Your Life Plan - Breaking Your Limiting Routines to Step into Intentional Living

Inglese · Tascabile

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When you step back and look at your life, do you see an ever-widening gulf between where you are and where you want to be? Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like your dreams are slowly slipping away? No matter where you are on your path, Designing Your Life Plan will jolt you out of the routines and ruts of your day to day, spurring you on to set a clear plan for your future-one that will take you places you never thought you could go. Luz Canino-Baker, your encouraging but firm guide on this journey, shows you how to build and carry out a Life Plan, offering pieces of her own history and the stories of others along the way. Each chapter ends with a practical workbook-style exercise designed to take you tangible steps closer to your goals. Forged during Canino-Baker's years as an executive and life coach, the lessons and exercises in this book will energize you, excite you, and set you on the path to the bright future you may have feared could never be realized.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Luz N. Canino-Baker
Editore Writers of the Round Table Press
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 05.11.2013
EAN 9781939418463
ISBN 978-1-939418-46-3
Pagine 106
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 6 mm
Peso 167 g
Categoria Guide e manuali > Libri sul benessere, vita quotidiana > Condotta di vita, auto-realizzazione

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