Fr. 82.00

Vibrations of Crystal Plates with Surface Structures - For Resonator and Sensor Applications

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

This book is mainly on the theoretical analysis of vibrating crystal plates for the quartz crystal resonator and sensor applications. The frequency and mode effects of different surface structures on either or both sides of the crystal plates are the main concerns in this book. These effects are useful to the improvement of existing quartz crystal resonators, and especially useful to the design of new resonator-based sensors.

Info autore

Dr. Nan Liu received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics from University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2012. His PhD research mainly focused on mechanical modeling and analysis of quartz crystal resonators and resonator-based sensors. Currently, he works as a MEMS physics engineer in Silicon Valley.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Nan Liu
Editore Scholar's Press
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 10.07.2013
EAN 9783639513158
ISBN 978-3-639-51315-8
Pagine 164
Categoria Scienze naturali, medicina, informatica, tecnica > Fisica, astronomia > Meccanica, acustica

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