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Easy Baking - The Hungry Student

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

Informationen zum Autor As a student, Charlotte Pike spent four years learning to survive on a meagre £10 a week and still eat seriously well. The skills she picked up in her university kitchen led her to train as a qualified cook and set up her own company called GoFreeFoods for people with food intolerances. Charlotte blogs on student cookery for the Guardian, writes a regular food blog for Hello! magazine and gives frequent cooking demos at food fairs around the UK. Klappentext Get top marks in the kitchen for your homemade cookies, breads, cakes and bakes, with over 120 cheap and easy baking recipes for students. Zusammenfassung Get top marks in the kitchen for your homemade cookies! breads! cakes and bakes! with over 120 cheap and easy baking recipes for students. Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction. Baking equipment. Key baking ingredients. Techniques and tips. Is it cooked? Love your oven. Small bakes. Big cakes. Loaf cakes. Cookies. Traybakes. Breakfast baking. Easy breads. Baked desserts. Index. Acknowledgements.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Charlotte Pike
Editore Quercus Publishing
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 01.08.2013
EAN 9781782060109
ISBN 978-1-78206-010-9
Pagine 224
Serie The Hungry Student
The Hungry Student
Categoria Guide e manuali > Mangiare e bere

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