Fr. 25.50

Tentative Seeds of Hope. Life is a Story -

Anglais, Allemand · Livre Relié

Expédition généralement dans un délai de 3 à 5 semaines (titre commandé spécialement)


En savoir plus

Our world is on fire, and we seem to stumble from one crisis to the next. Wars, patriarchal oppression, uncapped capitalist exploitation, and the constant threat of climate collapse make it hard to believe in a bright future. Yet, amidst the shadows of despair, tentative seeds of hope are sown and cultivated. Each poem within these pages echoes the concerns, fears, and fervent desires of a generation grappling with the looming spectre of a burning planet. From the ache of witnessing vanishing landscapes and species to the dehumanisation and inequality created by capitalistic patriarchy, these verses resonate with raw authenticity, inviting readers to confront the harsh realities of our time with empathy and introspection.This anthology invites readers on a reflective journey - it's a call to arms - reminding us that, ultimately, the fate of this world rests in our collective hands.

A propos de l'auteur

Eileen is a twenty something old soul whose love for reading and writing poetry has given her a channel to express all of those confusing emotions and intricacies that life brings with it.

She loves knitting, travelling, hiking, and having a big cup of her favourite Earl Grey tea. Eileen is currently finishing her master's thesis in Sustainability Science and lives in Lund, Sweden.

More of her poetry can be found on her Instagram: @eileens_poetry

Détails du produit

Auteurs Eileen Schroeders
Edition publishing
Langues Anglais, Allemand
Format d'édition Livre Relié
Sortie 10.03.2024
EAN 9783711518156
ISBN 978-3-7115-1815-6
Pages 76
Dimensions 132 mm x 9 mm x 209 mm
Illustrations 1 Abb.
Thème Life is a story -
Catégorie Littérature > Anthologies diverses

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