
BABADADA, Vlaams - Bengali (in bengali script), Beeldwoordenboek - visual dictionary (in bengali script) - Flemish - Bengali (in bengali script), visual dictionary

Bengali, Flamand, Anglais · Livre de poche


En savoir plus

BABADADA dictionaries are visual language education: Simple learning takes center stage. In a BABADADA dictionary images and language merge into a unit that is easy to learn and remember. The goal is to learn the basics of a language much faster and with more fun than possible with a complicated text dictionary. This book is based on the very successful online picture dictionary BABADADA.COM, which offers easy language entry for countless language combinations - Used by thousands of people and approved by well-known institutions.

The languages used in this book are also called as follows: flämisch and Bengali, bengali, bengalí, bengalese, bengali, bengalski

Détails du produit

Auteurs Babadada Gmbh
Edition Babadada
Langues Bengali, Flamand, Anglais
Format d'édition Livre de poche
Sortie 31.10.2019
Pages 92
Dimensions 148 mm x 210 mm x 6 mm
Poids 146 g
Catégorie Ecole et pédagogie > Formation pour adultes/université populaire > Matériel de cours/formation adultes langue

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