Fr. 25.90

Student World Atlas, 9th Edition - The Ultimate Reference for Every Student

Anglais · Livre Relié

Expédition généralement dans un délai de 1 à 3 semaines (ne peut pas être livré de suite)


En savoir plus

Packed with beautifully designed and detailed maps, this world atlas is the perfect companion for geography students. First published in 1988 and now in its 9th edition, Student World Atlas has been fully revised and updated. With 290 maps in total, it combines larger, traditional reference maps with smaller topic maps. These topics include industry, farming, climate, population, and the environment. Each theme will engage students, expanding their understanding of Earth and also making possible comparisons between different regions. For example, this student atlas not only displays an impressive map of the Caribbean, but highlights the hurricanes that continually threaten these islands and the people who live there. Then move to the New Zealand map and learn about its diverse population of Polynesians, European settlers, and many other immigrants that make up this multicultural nation. On every page, you will discover more and more fascinating facts about each country's landscape and its inhabitants. In addition to maps, this clear and accessible children's atlas also includes up-to-date statistics and flags for every country. It distills the huge mass of information available about our world down to the essential facts needed for the effective and successful study of our ever-changing planet.

Détails du produit

Auteurs DK, DK>, Inc. (COR) Dorling Kindersley
Edition Dorling Kindersley USA
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre Relié
Sortie 31.03.2019
EAN 9781465474025
ISBN 978-1-4654-7402-5
Pages 176
Dimensions 259 mm x 308 mm x 18 mm
Thème DK Reference Atlases
Catégories Sciences naturelles, médecine, informatique, technique > Sciences de la Terre > Général, dictionnaires
Voyage > Cartes, plans de ville, atlas

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