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Teaching Grammar Through Literature - Bringing Language to Life in the Secondary Classroom

Anglais · Livre de poche

Expédition généralement dans un délai de 1 à 3 jours ouvrés


En savoir plus

Informationen zum Autor Rachel Fenn is Head of English at École Jeannine Manuel in London, UK. Anna McGlynn is Deputy Head of English at Weald of Kent Grammar School, UK. Klappentext This guide offers a fresh approach to integrating grammar effectively into the secondary classroom as a vital strand of English that both enlivens and enriches students' understanding of literature. Each chapter demystifies complex terminology and provides an essential overview of relevant subject knowledge and inspiring practical ideas to empower teachers to confidently teach grammar. With a variety of adaptable lesson plans for popular KS3 and KS4 texts, it shows how grammatical requirements can be taught in a lively, text-based manner, developing students' understanding, improving the quality of their writing, and giving them the skills they need to analyse meaningfully at word level. Zusammenfassung This essential guide offers a fresh approach to integrating grammar effectively into the classroom as a vital strand of English that both enlivens and enriches students’ understanding of literature. It aims to demystify grammar and empower teachers with the knowledge, inspiration and practical ideas to confidently teach grammar to students at any stage of their secondary education. The authors demonstrate that routinely weaving grammar into lessons and the study of literature, rather than teaching it as an abstract set of rules, enables students to see grammar in a more flexible, enjoyable and exciting way. Each chapter clearly defines complex terminology and provides an essential overview of relevant subject knowledge. With multiple examples of textual analysis and a variety of adaptable lesson plans for popular Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 texts, the book shows how grammatical requirements can be taught in a lively, literature-based manner, developing students’ understanding and improving the quality of their creative and academic writing. Taught like this, grammar becomes a decoding tool: a key to unlocking deeper meaning within texts that enriches the reading experience. Considering a wide range of texts, Teaching Grammar through Literature thoroughly works through core grammatical concepts such as: sentences and sentence clauses nouns verbs determiners punctuation extension vocabulary. This book is a source of fresh and exciting ideas for all practising secondary school English teachers. It will revolutionalise teaching and enrich students' understanding of literature and the grammatical theory within. Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction Chapter 1. Sentences and sentence clauses Chapter 2. Nouns Chapter 3. Verbs Chapter 4. Determiners Chapter 5. Punctuation Chapter 6. Extension vocabulary Chapter 7. Activity A-Z Bibliography Index ...

Détails du produit

Auteurs Rachel Fenn, Rachel (Ecole Jeannine Manuel Fenn, Mcglynn, Anna McGlynn, Anna (Weald of Kent Grammar School Mcglynn
Edition Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre de poche
Sortie 31.03.2018
EAN 9781138301009
ISBN 978-1-138-30100-9
Pages 122
Catégories Ecole et pédagogie > Livres scolaires pour élèves
Sciences humaines, art, musique > Pédagogie > Enseignement

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