Fr. 14.50

Alice and the Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Anglais · Livre Broché

Expédition généralement dans un délai de 1 à 3 semaines (ne peut pas être livré de suite)


En savoir plus

Alice and the Mad Hatter's Tea Party shows you how to throw an Alice in Wonderland party fit for even the maddest of Mad Hatters! This book is brimming with suggestions for decorations you can make, instructions for games to play and ideas for costumes; there are even simple recipes so you can have the perfect Mad Tea Party! Plus press-out decorations and over two hundred stickers.
Based on the classic children's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, this gorgeous tea party guide features colour illustrations by the original Alice artist, John Tenniel, plus additional artwork and photographs for the Make and Do sections.

A propos de l'auteur

Lewis Carroll was the pen-name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Born in 1832, Dodgson was a mathematics tutor at Christ Church College, Oxford, where he met Alice Liddell, daughter of the dean, and inspiration for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The book and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, have delighted children the world over for 150 years.

Sir John Tenniel was already a renowned cartoonist when he was invited to produce illustrations for Alice. His exquisite engravings are among the most iconic and best loved images in the world.


Alice and the Mad Hatter's Tea Party shows you how to throw an Alice in Wonderland party fit for even the maddest of Mad Hatters! This book is brimming with suggestions for decorations you can make, instructions for games to play and ideas for costumes; there are even simple recipes so you can have the perfect Mad Tea Party! Plus press-out decorations and over two hundred stickers.

Based on the classic children's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, this gorgeous tea party guide features colour illustrations by the original Alice artist, John Tenniel, plus additional artwork and photographs for the Make and Do sections.


Everything you need to create an Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter's tea party!

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