Fr. 24.90

111 Coffeeshops in London that you must not miss

Anglais · Livre de poche

Expédition généralement dans un délai de 1 à 2 semaines


En savoir plus

Get your espresso fix in a gentlemen's toilet. Sip a cappuccino in a café-cum-upholstery shop. Scoop up a vintage Hermes scarf while you wait for your macchiato. London's new and adventurous coffee culture is full of exotic surprises and unexpected entertainments. Coffee enthusiasts in search of the best brew in town are being spoiled by baristas who have turned coffee-making into an art form; many cafés today roast their own beans, combine coffee with art, music, and literature, sell equipment for home brewing, or can be found in unusual locations such as lavatories and barber shops. This modern guidebook takes you on a caffeinated journey to the capital's hippest, tastiest, and most unusual coffee shops.

A propos de l'auteur

Kirstin von Glasow, born and raised in Cologne, studied German literature, philosophy and art history. Today she works as a curator, author and filmmaker in London and Cologne.


Get your espresso fix in a gentlemen’s toilet. Sip a cappuccino in a café-cum-upholstery shop. Scoop up a vintage Hermes scarf while you wait for your macchiato. London’s new and adventurous coffee culture is full of exotic surprises and unexpected entertainments. Coffee enthusiasts in search of the best brew in town are being spoiled by baristas who have turned coffee-making into an art form; many cafés today roast their own beans, combine coffee with art, music, and literature, sell equipment for home brewing, or can be found in unusual locations such as lavatories and barber shops. This modern guidebook takes you on a caffeinated journey to the capital’s hippest, tastiest, and most unusual coffee shops.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Kirsten von Glasow, Kirstin von Glasow, Kirsten von Glasow, Kirstin von Glasow
Edition Emons Verlag
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre de poche
Sortie 20.08.2015
EAN 9783954516148
ISBN 978-3-95451-614-8
Pages 240
Dimensions 135 mm x 206 mm x 17 mm
Poids 481 g
Catégories Voyage > Guides de voyages > Europe
Voyage > Guides d'hôtels et de restaurants > Europe

Einkaufsführer (div.), Restaurantführer (div.), London : Spezial-Reiseführer, London; Reiseführer, England, Reiseführer, London, Greater London, entdecken

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