Fr. 120.80

The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll - The Game and Puzzle Pamphlets and Related Pieces

Anglais · Livre Relié

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En savoir plus

Klappentext Lewis Carroll was not only the author of the Alice tales but an inveterate and talented creator of puzzles and games in both the recreational mathematics and wordplay fields. Collected together for the first time in this book! his charming and humorous creations are no longer hidden in obscure Victorian magazines! rare antiquarian books! and sporadic! incomplete collections. Zusammenfassung Lewis Carroll was not only the author of the Alice tales but an inveterate and talented creator of puzzles and games in both the recreational mathematics and wordplay fields. Collected together for the first time in this book! his charming and humorous creations are no longer hidden in obscure Victorian magazines! rare antiquarian books! and sporadic! incomplete collections.

Détails du produit

Auteurs Lewis Carroll, Lewis/ Morgan Carroll
Collaboration Christopher Morgan (Editeur)
Edition University of Virginia Press
Langues Anglais
Format d'édition Livre Relié
Sortie 30.04.2015
EAN 9780930326029
ISBN 978-0-930326-02-9
Pages 394
Catégories Littérature spécialisée > Art, littérature > Biographies, autobiographies
Sciences humaines, art, musique > Linguistique et littérature > Linguistique et littérature anglaises

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