Fr. 27.90

The Great British Bake Off: How to Avoid a Soggy Bottom and Other - Secrets to Achieving a Good Bak

Anglais · Livre Relié

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En savoir plus

Informationen zum Autor Gerard Baker Klappentext Gerard Baker is an author and broadcaster who specialises in British food culture and history. He has worked for the seminal BBC Radio Four Food Programme since 1996 and has been a columnist on a number of national titles including The Times , BBC Good Food and the Kitchen Garden . Gerard has appeared in a number of television series, most regularly with the Hairy Bikers. He has degrees in both science and history which give him a unique perspective on our baking heritage. Other books published by Gerard Baker include Mrs Beeton: How to Cook . Zusammenfassung This beautiful hardback is packed with practical advice to help you improve your baking. It includes fascinating trivia covering the history of baking and the chemistry crucial to achieving winning cakes, biscuits, pastry, bread and baked desserts, as well as classic recipes to demonstrate techniques. Arranged into a helpful question and answer format and beautifully illustrated throughout, this is an in-depth guide for bakers of all levels of skill, an invaluable companion to the Great British Bake Off recipes books, and the perfect gift for Mothers’ Day.


Arranged into a helpful question and answer format and beautifully illustrated throughout, this is an in-depth guide for bakers of all levels of skill, an invaluable companion to the Great British Bake Off recipes books, and the perfect gift for Mothers’ Day.

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