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Slavic languages · Paperback / Softback

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Odnogo razu, prokinuvshis', ti bachish za vknom vogon'. Ti jogo ne rozpaljuvav. Ale gasiti jogo dovedet'sja j tob... Schen' 2015 roku. Donbas. Pasha, vchitel' odnjeji z shkl, spostergaje, jak lnja frontu neuhil'no nablizhajet'sja do jogo domu. Stajet'sja tak, shho vn zmushenij cju lnju peretnuti. Shhobi potm povernutis' nazad. dlja c'ogo jomu shhonajmenshe potrbno viznachitis', na chijemu boc jogo dm... nternat Sergja Zhadana stane chudovoju knizhkoju ne tl'ki dlja doroslih, a j dlja pdltkv starshogo shkl'nogo vku. Vn nashtovhne chitacha ne lishen' na rozdumi, hto takij vorog hto takij drug, a j na pereosmislennja vlasnoji sutnost.

Product details

Authors Sergey Zhadan, Sergij Zhadan, Serhij Zhadan, Serhiy Zhadan
Assisted by Alexander Boychenko (Editor)
Publisher Meridian Czernowitz
Languages Slavic languages
Product format Paperback / Softback
Released 31.08.2022
EAN 9786178024017
ISBN 978-617-8024-01-7
No. of pages 336
Dimensions 185 mm x 25 mm x 299 mm
Weight 394 g
Subject Fiction > Narrative literature

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