Fr. 12.90

Forgotten Garden

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Informationen zum Autor Kate Morton Klappentext A moving and powerful mystery! The Forgotten Garden is the bestselling second novel from author of The House at Riverton! Kate Morton. 1913 On the eve of the First World War! a little girl is found abandoned after a gruelling ocean voyage from England to Australia. All she can remember of the journey is that a mysterious woman she calls the Authoress had promised to look after her. But the Authoress has vanished without a trace. 1975 Now an old lady! Nell travels to England to discover the truth about her parentage. Her quest leads her to Cornwall! and to a beautiful estate called Blackhurst Manor! which had been owned by the Mountrachet family. What has prompted Nell's journey after all these years? 2005 On Nell's death! her granddaughter! Cassandra! comes into a surprise inheritance. Cliff Cottage! in the grounds of Blackhurst Manor! is notorious amongst the locals for the secrets it holds - secrets about the doomed Mountrachet family. But it is at Cliff Cottage! abandoned for years! and in its forgotten garden! that Cassandra will uncover the truth about the family and why the young Nell was abandoned all those decades before. The haunting second novel from the author of the No.1 bestseller, The House at Riverton Zusammenfassung A long-held family mystery will finally unravel in The Forgotten Garden, the beloved bestseller from the author of The House at Riverton and The Secret Keeper.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Kate Morton grew up in the mountains of south-east Queensland and now lives with her family in Australia. She has degrees in dramatic art and English literature, specializing in nineteenth-century tragedy and contemporary gothic novels. Kate has sold over ten million copies of her novels in thirty-two languages, across thirty-nine countries. The House at Riverton, The Forgotten Garden, The Distant Hours, The Secret Keeper and The Lake House have all been number one bestsellers around the world.


A moving and powerful mystery, The Forgotten Garden is the bestselling second novel from author of The House at Riverton, Kate Morton.

On the eve of the First World War, a little girl is found abandoned after a gruelling ocean voyage from England to Australia. All she can remember of the journey is that a mysterious woman she calls the Authoress had promised to look after her. But the Authoress has vanished without a trace.

Now an old lady, Nell travels to England to discover the truth about her parentage. Her quest leads her to Cornwall, and to a beautiful estate called Blackhurst Manor, which had been owned by the Mountrachet family. What has prompted Nell's journey after all these years?

On Nell's death, her granddaughter, Cassandra, comes into a surprise inheritance. Cliff Cottage, in the grounds of Blackhurst Manor, is notorious amongst the locals for the secrets it holds - secrets about the doomed Mountrachet family. But it is at Cliff Cottage, abandoned for years, and in its forgotten garden, that Cassandra will uncover the truth about the family and why the young Nell was abandoned all those decades before.


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