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The Birch Bark Books of Simon Pokagon

Englisch · Fester Einband

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Feeling as though the history of the America's indigenous people was being erased, Simon Pokagon took to pen to give voice to an increasingly forgotten race. Beginning with his famous speech, "The Red Man's Rebuke," The Birch Bark Books of Simon Pokagon collects six articles and legends from and about the Potawatomi tribe, originally published on the bark of the white birch tree

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Simon Pokagon (1830-1899) was a Pokagon Potawatomi author and advocate. Born near Bertrand, Michigan Territory, he was the son of Potawatomi chief Leopold Pokagon. Educated at the University of Notre Dame and Oberlin College, he gained a reputation as an effective activist for the rights of indigenous peoples. Notably, he met with presidents Lincoln and Grant to petition for reparations from the government for violating the 1833 Treaty of Chicago, but was later accused of using his position to sell land to real estate speculators. Through his numerous articles, novels, stories, and poems, Pokagon became one of the first Native Americans to gain a national audience as a writer. In 1893, he was featured at the World's Columbian Exposition, where he spoke to a crowd of 75,000 on the dangers of alcoholism to Native Americans, citizenship, and unity. Pokagon's novel Queen of the Woods (1899) remains a landmark work of Native American literature.


Autoren Simon Pokagon
Verlag Mint Ed
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Fester Einband
Erschienen 26.10.2021
EAN 9798888974339
ISBN 979-8-88897-433-9
Seiten 74
Serie Mint Editions (Native Stories,
Thema Belletristik > Erzählende Literatur > Briefe, Tagebücher


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