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Corona Odyssee - A Travel Journal

Deutsch, Englisch · Taschenbuch

Versand in der Regel in 4 bis 7 Arbeitstagen


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The heart laughed, there was a lot of joy at the Indian friends and the wonderful adventures too, when out of nowhere everything changed. Within hours, India's Prime Minister Modi had factories, shops, hotels, and eateries shut down. Life in India was choked off. Tourists were treated like lepers. Hotels refused to take them in. Food became scarce. All flights to and from India were cancelled. What to do? In this diary of the Corona Odyssey, Sunhild Sauck gives an exciting and authentic account of how, despite all obstacles and difficulties, with the help of her Indian friends from Himachal Pradesh, she was able to get to the German Embassy in Delhi and thus to a rescue flight back to Germany.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Sunhild Sauck is a passionate traveller and photographer who has travelled to many parts of the world. In the process, she has had some extraordinary experiences. Her favourite travel destination is and remains India: she adores this country. Her German friends think it is her second home. And her Indian friends think she was Indian in her first life. And this time too, she seemed to be attracted by dramatic events. During her stay in India in 2020, the Corona pandemic, like the hordes of Genghis Khan, also broke over India.


Autoren Sunhild Sauck
Verlag Books On Demand
Sprache Deutsch, Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 01.01.2021
EAN 9783753427232
ISBN 978-3-7534-2723-2
Seiten 76
Abmessung 148 mm x 210 mm x 6 mm
Gewicht 124 g
Thema Belletristik > Erzählende Literatur > Romanhafte Biographien


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