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Jomon Potteries in Idojiri Vol.8 - 85 Jomon Potteries Masterpieces uncovered in the South West Foot of Mt.Yatsugatake, Nagano (Japanese Edition)

Japanisch · Fester Einband

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Since 1997, the Idojiri Archaeological Museum has been creating an image database of Jomon potteries and clay figurines that had been uncovered in the south west foot of Mt.Yatsugatake, Nagano, Japan. The museum has been publishing a series of their Jomon potteries catalog, Vol.1-7 based on the database, but this booklet is the comprehensive catalog of those and this includes 85 Jomon potteries masterpieces.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

In the southwest foot of Yatsugatake mountains, many Jomon ruins have been excavated and those tell us the culture and life of those days (about 8,000-2,300 years ago). In the museum are chronologically exhibited more than 2,000 potteries and stone tools that are excavated in Fujimi town area and through which we can learn about the transition and use. In conjunction with them, many other materials such as dwelling houses, foods and personal ornaments are also exhibited, and these are placed to be understood at first glance. In addition, the view on religion or the world view and mythology of that period have been revealed by the studies of those potteries and clay figures, but these theories are also unveiled enthusiastically with those exhibits. Outside of the exhibition hall can be seen some more materials such as a couple of stone monuments, farm fields and a rock garden that contains stone tool materials in the 5,300 square meters site, and these contribute the studies of foods life and farm tools of those period. Also, at the archaeological site of Idojiri, we are able to soak in the Jomon world for while beside a restored dwelling, listening to the sounds of spring water that will never dry up. Next to the Archaeological Museum is situated the Museum of History and Folklore that is collecting folklore materials of this region.



Autoren Idojiri Archaeological Museum
Verlag Texnai Inc.
Sprache Japanisch
Produktform Fester Einband
Erschienen 15.07.2020
EAN 9784909601773
ISBN 978-4-909601-77-3
Seiten 470
Abmessung 221 mm x 286 mm x 35 mm
Gewicht 2004 g
Serie Jomon Potteries in Idojiri
Thema Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik > Geschichte > Vor- und Frühgeschichte


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