Fr. 38.90

Rights of Future Generations: Conditions - Sharjah Architecture Triennale

Englisch, Deutsch · Taschenbuch

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The present state of environmental crisis is not an accident of history, but rather the result of a war waged along social, technical, and mental lines-a war against future generations. Climate change is the symptom of the eradication of alternative perspectives on what it means to live and to coexist.It is the consequence of a single, pathological mode of existence dominating all others. Which ecologies support this state of things, and which ecologies can resist it? Which conditions produce non-exploitative relationships between humans and other beings, between those who are here, those who have gone, and those yet to come? The intergenerational perspective is at the heart of all such questions.
The inaugural Sharjah Architecture Triennial, titled Rights of Future Generations, includes commissioned works by architects, artists, activists, choreographers, and scientists examining sites of resistance, struggle, emancipation, and experimentation. The twenty-seven essays featured in Conditions-the first of two volumes published in conjunction with the Triennial-chronicle some of these sites. From spiritual geographies of trade in the Indian Ocean, to the unwritten transmission of land title in the Ganges Delta, this is a book about architecture's fundamental role in imagining other forms of coexistence.

Sharjah Architecture Triennal
9 November, 2019-8 February, 2020


The present state of environmental crisis is not an accident of history, but rather the result of a war waged along social, technical, and mental lines—a war against future generations. Climate change is the symptom of the eradication of alternative perspectives on what it means to live and to coexist.It is the consequence of a single, pathological mode of existence dominating all others. Which ecologies support this state of things, and which ecologies can resist it? Which conditions produce non-exploitative relationships between humans and other beings, between those who are here, those who have gone, and those yet to come? The intergenerational perspective is at the heart of all such questions.
The inaugural Sharjah Architecture Triennial, titled Rights of Future Generations, includes commissioned works by architects, artists, activists, choreographers, and scientists examining sites of resistance, struggle, emancipation, and experimentation. The twenty-seven essays featured in Conditions—the first of two volumes published in conjunction with the Triennial—chronicle some of these sites. From spiritual geographies of trade in the Indian Ocean, to the unwritten transmission of land title in the Ganges Delta, this is a book about architecture’s fundamental role in imagining other forms of coexistence.

Sharjah Architecture Triennal
9 November, 2019—8 February, 2020


- First ever Sharjah Architecture Triennale - In Light of social and environmental climate


Autoren Marw Arsanios, Marwa Arsanios, Pier Vittori Aureli, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Alon Barros
Mitarbeit Anne Holtrop (Fotografien), Bagnato (Herausgeber), Bagnato (Herausgeber), Andrea Bagnato (Herausgeber), Adria Lahoud (Herausgeber), Adrian Lahoud (Herausgeber), Hoor Al Qasimi (Vorwort)
Verlag Hatje Cantz Verlag
Sprache Englisch, Deutsch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 31.12.2019
EAN 9783775747035
ISBN 978-3-7757-4703-5
Seiten 248
Abmessung 180 mm x 240 mm x 20 mm
Gewicht 604 g
Illustration 136 Abb.
Serie Architektur
Themen Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik > Kunst > Architektur
Sachbuch > Kunst, Literatur > Architektur

Kulturgeschichte, Pädagogik, Architektur, Architekturgeschichte, Politik, ArchitekturStadtplanung, auseinandersetzen


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