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Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Nocturnal animals are introduced to young readers over the course of a series of clever die-cuts showing the moon's changes across the lunar cycle, in this rhyming bedtime book with illustrations from Britta Teckentrup.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Patricia Hegarty is currently the Editorial Director of Caterpillar Books and has written about all kinds of things from trees and bees to ABCs (and she loves to rhyme).Britta Teckentrup is an award-winning illustrator and author, having written and illustrated over 80 children's picture books that have been published in over 20 different countries. After 17 years in the UK, Britta now lives and works in Berlin with her Scottish husband, son Vincent and their old cat Oskar.


Marvel at the busy night-time creatures and turn the pages to see the moon change shape in this delightful, peek-through picture book.


Autoren Patricia Hegarty, Britta Teckentrup
Mitarbeit Britta Teckentrup (Illustration)
Verlag Little Tiger Press
Sprache Englisch
Altersempfehlung 3 bis 6 Jahre
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 31.10.2018
EAN 9781848698673
ISBN 978-1-84869-867-3
Abmessung 225 mm x 275 mm x 5 mm
Serie Peek-through Nature
Themen Kinder- und Jugendbücher > Bilderbücher

JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Nocturnal, Wildlife (Children's / Teenage), read aloud; rhyming verse; picture book, die-cuts; book for a 3 year old; woodland creatures, lunar; animals; bedtime story; poetry; gentle;, night-time; phases of the moon; stars; nocturnal


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