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L'Idillio Della Vedova E La Morte Di Sancio Panza

Italienisch · Taschenbuch

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San Pantaleone è una raccolta di novelle di Gabriele D'Annunzio del 1886. In questo libretto vengono riprese la novelle L'idillio della vedova e La morte di Sancio Panza.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Gabriele D'Annunzio was a notable figure in Italian literature from 1889 to 1910, and in politics from 1914 to 1924. He was frequently referred to as il Vate ("the Poet"; the Italian vate derives from Latin vates and means a poet with a specific emphasis on prophetic, inspiring, or divining abilities) and il Profeta ("the Prophet"). D'Annunzio's literary works were affiliated with the Decadent movement, which was closely related to French symbolism and British aestheticism. Such works signified a departure from the naturalism of the previous romantics, and were both sensual and mystical. He was influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche, which he expressed through his creative and subsequently political efforts. During the Great combat, D'Annunzio's reputation in Italy shifted from literary icon to national combat hero. He was linked with the elite Arditi storm soldiers of the Italian Army and participated in actions such as the Flight over Vienna. As part of an Italian nationalist reaction to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, he established the short-lived Italian Regency of Carnaro near Fiume, naming himself Duce. The Carnaro Charter established music as a basic principle of the corporatist state. Although D'Annunzio later espoused nationalism and never referred to himself as a fascist, he is recognized with partially establishing Italian fascism, as both his ideas and aesthetics influenced Benito Mussolini.


Autoren Gabriele D'Annunzio
Sprache Italienisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 19.07.2017
EAN 9780244621179
ISBN 978-0-244-62117-9
Seiten 34
Abmessung 148 mm x 210 mm x 2 mm
Gewicht 59 g
Themen Belletristik > Erzählende Literatur

FICTION / General


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