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Blackstone''s International Human Rights Documents

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Zusatztext The Blackstone's Statutes series is an excellent compilation of statutes and legislation. Each title contains carefully selected legislation by experts in the area and the layout and design make the books user friendly and handy. Each title is an invaluable tool to students and academics in the particular field. Informationen zum Autor Dr Alison Bisset is Associate Professor in International Human Rights Law at the University of Reading. Her areas of academic interest include international criminal law! international children's rights! and international judicial cooperation. Klappentext Blackstone's International Human Rights Documents: Market-leading and first choice for students and lecturers! Blackstone's Statutes have an unrivalled tradition of trust and quality. With a rock-solid reputation for accuracy! reliability! and authority! Blackstone's Statutes provide a careful selection of all the up-to-date legislation students need for exams and course use. Zusammenfassung Unsurpassed in authority! reliability and accuracy; the tenth edition has been fully revised and updated to incorporate all relevant legislation for international human rights courses. Blackstone's International Human Rights Documents is an abridged collection of legislation carefully reviewed and selected by Dr Alison Bisset - Associate Professor of International Human Rights at the University of Reading. Her areas of interest include international criminallaw! international children's rights! and international judicial cooperation. With unparalleled coverage of international human rights law Blackstone's International Human Rights Documents leads the market: consistently recommended by lecturers and relied on by students for exam and course use. Blackstone's International Human Rights Documents is: - Trusted: ideal for exam use - Practical: find what you need instantly with a new tab system to aid navigation- Reliable: current! comprehensive coverage - Relevant: content reviewed to match your course ...


Autoren Alison Bisset
Mitarbeit Aliso Bisset (Herausgeber), Alison Bisset (Herausgeber)
Verlag Oxford University Press
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 11.08.2016
EAN 9780198768302
ISBN 978-0-19-876830-2
Seiten 504
Serien Blackstone's Statute Series
Blackstone's Statute Series
Themen Sachbuch > Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft > Politik
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht,Wirtschaft > Recht > Allgemeines, Lexika


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