Fr. 22.50

Early Aegean Warrior 5000-1450 BC

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Informationen zum Autor Raffaele D'Amato, PhD , is the author of some 40 books and has written numerous articles on the Roman Empire, Byzantium, medieval Europe and the military of Ancient Greece. He has taught at the University of Ferrara, and was a visiting professor at Fatih University, Istanbul. He currently lives in England, working as an archaeological consultant and lawyer for Timeline Auctions Ltd of Harwich, and also as an external researcher for the Laboratory of the Danubian Provinces at the University of Ferrara. Klappentext The mainland and islands of Greece were extensively settled by peoples moving from Asia Minor in c.5000 BC, while a further wave in c.5000 BC introduced bronze-working to the region. It is form this point on that it is possible to discern a distinct Cycladic or Aegean civilisation, developing at roughly the same time as the Egyptian and Persian civilisations. Further to the south, the Minoan civilisation based on Crete held sway, and this power - along with the Helladic Achaeans to the north gradually swamped the Cycladic civilisation in between. In common with most Bronze Age societies, the culture of the Aegean world was dominated by warfare, with the inhabitants living in organized settlements and small citadels with fortification walls and bulwarks, towers and gates to provide protection against invaders from the sea or internecine conflicts. Using the latest archaeological evidence, this title recreates the world of these peoples through a detailed examination of their material culture.This title will detailed the arms, equipment and practices of the warriors of the Bronze Age in the Aegean World. Zusammenfassung The mainland and islands of Greece were settled by peoples moving from Asia Minor in c.5000 BC, while a further wave in c.5000 BC introduced bronze-working to the region. This title recreates the world of these peoples through an examination of their material culture. Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction /Chronology /Conscription and Enlistment /Training /Appearance /Weapons and Equipment /Belief and Belonging /Conditions of Service /On Campaign /The Aftermath of Battle /Collections and Museums...


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