Fr. 165.00

Soil Chemistry

Englisch · Fester Einband

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Informationen zum Autor Dr. Daniel G. Strawn is a Professor of Soil Chemistry in the Plant, Soil, and Entomological Sciences Department at the University of Idaho in Moscow.Dr. Hinrich L. Bohn is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science at the University of Arizona, Tucson.Dr. George A. O'Connor is a Professor in the Soil and Water Science Department at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Klappentext Soil is key to sustaining life--affecting air and water quality, the growth of plants and crops, and the health of the entire planet. Soil Chemistry 4e provides comprehensive coverage of the chemical interactions among organic and inorganic solids, air, water, microorganisms, and the plant roots in soil.The fourth edition of Soil Chemistry has been revised and updated throughout and provides a basic description of important research and fundamental knowledge in the field. The text covers chemical processes that occur in soils, including: distribution and species of nutrients and contaminants in soils; aqueous chemistry of soil solutions and mineral dissolution; oxidation and reduction reactions in soils; soil mineral formation processes and properties; the formation and reactivity of soil organic matter; surface chemistry and cation, anion, and organic compound adsorption reactions; modelling soil chemical reactions; and reactions in acid and salt affected soils.Although extensively revised with updated figures and tables, the fourth edition maintains the focus on introductory soil chemistry that has distinguished earlier editions. New chapters on properties of elements relevant to soil chemistry, and a chapter with special focus on soil surface characteristics have been added. Special Topics boxes are also included in the Fourth Edition that includes examples, noteworthy topics, and case studies. End of chapter questions are included as a resource for teaching. Zusammenfassung Soil is key to sustaining life--affecting air and water quality! the growth of plants and crops! and the health of the entire planet. Soil Chemistry 4e provides comprehensive coverage of the chemical interactions among organic and inorganic solids! air! water! microorganisms! and the plant roots in soil.The fourth edition of Soil Chemistry has been revised and updated throughout and provides a basic description of important research and fundamental knowledge in the field. The text covers chemical processes that occur in soils! including: distribution and species of nutrients and contaminants in soils; aqueous chemistry of soil solutions and mineral dissolution; oxidation and reduction reactions in soils; soil mineral formation processes and properties; the formation and reactivity of soil organic matter; surface chemistry and cation! anion! and organic compound adsorption reactions; modelling soil chemical reactions; and reactions in acid and salt affected soils.Although extensively revised with updated figures and tables! the fourth edition maintains the focus on introductory soil chemistry that has distinguished earlier editions. New chapters on properties of elements relevant to soil chemistry! and a chapter with special focus on soil surface characteristics have been added. Special Topics boxes are also included in the Fourth Edition that includes examples! noteworthy topics! and case studies. End of chapter questions are included as a resource for teaching. Inhaltsverzeichnis Preface xiAcknowledgments xiii1 Introduction to Soil Chemistry 11.1 Historical background 21.2 The soil environment 51.2.1 Soil chemical and biological interfaces 61.2.2 Soil solids 81.2.3 Soil interaction with the hydrosphere 101.2.4 Interaction of soil and the atmosphere 121.3 Chemical reactions in soils 161.3.1 Flow of chemical energy in soils 171.3.2 Soil chemical speciation 181.3.3 Chemical reaction types in soils 181.4 Soil biogeochemical cyclin...


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