Fr. 32.90

Dental Herbalism - Natural Therapies for the Mouth

Englisch · Taschenbuch

Versand in der Regel in 3 bis 5 Wochen


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A comprehensive practical reference to herbal dental care for all ages.



Foreword by M. Leslie Williams, RH(AHG), M Ed

Foreword by William D. Hammerlee, DMD, FAGD

Foreword by K. P. Singh Khalsa, RH(AHG), DN-C

Foreword by Richard Mandelbaum, RH(AHG)


Part I
The Lay of the Land

1 It All Begins in the Mouth
Inflammation - Measures of Inflammation - Digestive Health - The Mouth, Disease, and Illness - An Herbal Niche

2 The Mouth and What’s Inside It

Let’s Start with Our Teeth - Parts of a Tooth - Supporting Structures of the Mouth - Sinuses

3 Everyday Care for a Healthy Mouth
Health and Hygiene Basics - Brushing - Tongue Scraping - Flossing - Rinsing -Toothpaste and Tooth Powder

4 Monitoring Oral Well-Being
Keeping Notes - What’s Worth Recording about Our Oral Health? - Taking a Look Inside the Mouth - The Symptom Checklist

5 Getting to Know Your Dental and Herbal Team
A Trip to the Dentist - The Dentist - Other Dental Professionals - Venues - Financing - Herbalists

Part II
From infancy to old age

The Mouth through a Lifetime

6 Pregnancy, Infants, and Toddlers

During Pregnancy - Newborn - Teething - Microbial Transmission from Caregiver to Infant - Thrush - Sucking Thumbs, Fingers, and Pacifiers - Baby Bottle Decay - Tooth Discoloration - Growing Up with Healthy Teeth - Toddler Snacking - The First Dental Visit

7 Tooth Decay
Getting Down to Basics: What Is Decay? - Contributing Factors - Symptoms of Decay - Dealing with Pain - Dental Interventions - Protecting Teeth from Decay

8 Gum Diseases
What Is Gum Disease? - Coming to Grips with Chronic Periodontitis - Preventing Periodontitis - Other Types of Periodontitis

9 Tooth Loss, Replacement, and Orthodontics
When One Tooth Goes Missing - Implants - Bridges - Removable Partial Dentures - Dentures - Prostheses for the Masses

10 Habits, Conditions, and Diagnoses Affecting the Mouth
How to Use the Symptom Checklist - Summaries of Commonly Occurring Conditions Seen in General Dental Practice

Acid Reflux/GERD - Amalgam Tattoo - Angular Cheilitis - Black Hairy Tongue - BRONJ/ONJ - Bruxism - Candidiasis - Canker Sores (Aphthous Stomatitis) - Caries - Cysts/Tumors - Denture Sores - Diabetes - Eating Disorders - Erosion - Fluorosis - Glossitis - Gum Disease - Gum Recession - Herpes - HIV/AIDS - Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - Hyperplasia - Infection - Kawasaki Disease - Leukoplakia - Lichen Planus - Meth Mouth - Mouth Breathing - Nail Biting - Nicotine Stomatitis - NUG/Vincent’s Disease (Trench Mouth) -Nutritional Deficiencies - Oral Cancer - Oral Piercings - Osteoporosis - Papilloma - Pemphigus vulgaris - Pericoronitis - Pharmaceutical-Related Oral Issues - Root Resorption - Sinusitis - Sjögren’s Syndrome - Smoking - Stress - TMJ Disorders - Torus/Tori/Exostoses - Trauma/Injury - Wisdom Teeth - Xerostomia (dry mouth)

Part III
Herbs for the Mouth

11 An herba l Materia Medica for the Mouth
An Introduction to the Materia Medica - The Herbal Materia Medica Arnica - Barberry - Barley - Bee balm - Calendula - Cardamom - Cayenne - Chamomile - Cinnamon - Clove - Echinacea - Fennel - Goldenseal - Hops - Kava - Lavender - Lemon balm - Marshmallow - Milky oats - Myrrh - Neem - Oak - Orange peel - Peppermint - Plantain - Prickly ash - Propolis - Red clover - Red raspberry leaf - Rose hips - Rosemary - Sage - Salt - Skullcap - Slippery elm - Stevia - Thyme - Turmeric - Willow - Wintergreen - Yarrow

12 How To Prepare Herbal Remedies
About Identification and Assessing Quality - Dosing - Making Herbal Remedies: Teas, Decoctions, Poultices, Tinctures, and More - Herbs by Action - Herbs by Symptom - Hands-on and How-to

Part IV
Sustaining a Healthy Mouth

13 Food and Drink
Healthy Food Choices - The Truth about Sugar - Saliva, pH, Snacking, and Sugary Drinks - Hydration - Vitamins and Minerals - Nourishment during Pregnancy - Foods and Beverages that Stain - Eating Seasonally

14 The Mouth as a microcosm of the Body
The Oral-Systemic Connection - Taking an Oral Health History - Frequently Asked Questions

15 Changing Ideas
Current Issues Affecting Oral Health

Access to Oral Health Care - Alcohol in Oral Health Care Products - Antibiotic Use - Bisphenol A (BPA) - Dental Amalgam (contains mercury) - Fluoride - Gluten - Green Heath Care Offices - Health and Dental Insurance - Herbal Supplements - Herbicides and Pesticides - Latex - Probiotics - Radiation (dental) - Radiation (irradiated foods) - Real Food - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - Triclosan

Concluding Remarks

Appendix 1 Professional Organizations

Appendix 2 Suppliers of Herbs and Oral Care Products

Appendix 3 Herba l Cultivars and Wildcrafting

Appendix 4 Useful Conversions, or Your Pint’s Bigger than my pint

Appendix 5 Oral Health Charts and Tables


About the authors


Über den Autor / die Autorin

Leslie M. Alexander, Ph.D., RH(AHG), is a medical herbalist and former research scientist. A professional member of the American Herbalists Guild, she is co-owner of Restoration Herbs. Linda A. Straub-Bruce, BS Ed, RDH, is a practicing registered dental hygienist and member of the American Dental Hygienists Association. Both authors are members of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health and live in western Pennsylvania.


A comprehensive practical reference to herbal dental care for all ages.


“A rich and dynamic handbook to support everyday dental care for the layperson, it also offers intricate answers to complex questions for practitioners.”


Autoren Leslie M. Alexander, Leslie M. (Leslie M. Alexander) Alexander, Leslie M Alexander Ph. D Rh(Ahg), Linda A. Straub-Bruce, To Be Announced
Verlag Pocket UK
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 04.08.2014
EAN 9781620551950
ISBN 978-1-62055-195-0
Seiten 488
Abmessung 152 mm x 229 mm x 25 mm
Gewicht 658 g
Illustration Includes 8-page color insert and 50 b&w illustrations
Themen Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik > Medizin > Ganzheitsmedizin
Ratgeber > Gesundheit


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