
WAYFINDING - Wayfinding

Englisch, Französisch · Taschenbuch


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Informationen zum Autor "Graphic team is full of ideas and inspirations. We shared a mission to provide a window of ideas to bring inspirations and pleasant surprises to graphic designers around the world. The development of the cultural and creative industry and a world full of inspirations are also what we are working for. Klappentext This book is concerned with a relatively new design discipline at the intersection of graphic design and architecture ¿ wayfi nding. It includes contributions of best practice design solutions around the world. This publication gathered a collection of 245 state-of-the-art wayfinding projects from around the globe grouped in parks! education facilities! corporate environments! commercial spaces! hospitality! transportation! healthcare! and so on. Testimonies of the various contexts that infl uence the design and create identity. They are also samples of the multitude of expressions that our world depends upon.


Mitarbeit Graphic Team in Liaoning Science and Tec (Herausgeber)
Verlag Design Media
Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 21.01.2013
EAN 9789881506924
ISBN 978-988-15069-2-4
Thema Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik > Kunst > Innenarchitektur, Design


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