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Foam Roller Workbook - Illustrated Step By Step Guide to Stretching, Strengthening

Englisch · Taschenbuch

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Informationen zum Autor Karl Knopf is the coordinator for the fitness therapist program at Foothill College of California. Klappentext Unleash the power of the foam roller with exercises to massage muscles, rehab injuries, and build flexibility from bestselling health and fitness author Dr. Karl Knopf. Once used exclusively in physical therapy settings, the foam roller has made its way into yoga and pilates studios, gyms and homes. With this simple device, you can: -Improve core strength -Increase flexibility -Release tension -Alleviate pain -Rehabilitate injuries Foam Roller Workout offers 50 effective exercises paired with clear captions and step-by-step photos that will help you roll your way to better posture, balance and relaxation. In addition, special programs will enhance your sporting life, whether you hit the track, the court, or the slopes. Vorwort Author appearance on Fitness Talk, Fort Wayne Indiana's FM 100 National print media campaign targeting health and dieting magazines Online publicity and promotion, including giveaways Newsletter co-op available Zusammenfassung END PAIN, REGAIN RANGE OF MOTION, AND PREVENT INJURY USING THE FOAM ROLLER Perfect for countering the physical stain caused by everything from long hours at your computer to repeated swings of the golf club, the foam roller is one of the most inexpensive yet effective pieces of home exercise equipment. Now, Foam Roller Workbook provides you with a comprehensive program for using this amazing tool to recover from injury, reverse everyday pain, and stay healthy in the future. Written by a medical doctor and physical rehabilitation expert, this book includes a variety of exercises for all levels of rehab and recovery. With over 75 exercises and 150 step-by-step photos, Foam Roller Workbook shows you how to realize the full potential of the foam roller with programs for: • physical therapy • core strengthening • stability training • deep stretching • self massage • posture alignment ...


Autoren Karl Knopf, Karl G. Knopf, KNOPF KARL G
Verlag Ulysses Press USA
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 21.04.2011
EAN 9781569759257
ISBN 978-1-56975-925-7
Seiten 144
Thema Ratgeber > Gesundheit > Fitness, Aerobic, Bodybuilding, Gymnastik


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